

30 August 2010

//emmys//matthew perry//brain STD's//new leaf//

so i must admit i love tv.. i obsess over certain shows.. they complete me.. if you knew my wife and you were to ask her, "hey is nic a crazy tv person?" she would agree.. cause she is too.. but we get passionate about our shows..

but let me clarify.. i dont love all tv.. reality tv shows will be the death of entertainment.. people with no self esteem and moral values are corrupting hollywood with their insecurity and hate towards the world and america is paying them millions for it.. thats disgusting..

i love comedy shows like modern family and community and chuck.. or how i met your mother.. or sci fi bits like fringe and persons unkown.. stuff that actually gives you a story and not a brain STD like some of these crappy shows...

but since i love TV so much, of course i watched the EMMYs.. still upset that LOST didnt win any awards last night, but modern family and the pacific did, so that was ok with me..  but if there is one thing i love more than TV, its when a celebrity does something of value and shows good morals, when no one is watching..

we got a glimpse of that with Matthew Perry last night at the emmys.  when Ricky Gervais was passing out beers to the crowd, the waiter held one up to Perrys face and he politely declined.. now dont get me wrong, i have nothing against alcohol.. but when you struggle with an addictive spirit or past addiction to alcohol, like perry used to, saying no has got to be one of the toughest things to do.. he waved the beer away and the panning camera caught a small glimpse of this.

so it was good to see that not all celebrities are fake, like some "real housewives" that are on the air...

its good to see that  a public figure who has no financial cares in the world, still knows to say no, and do something of value for themselves.. he was a bigger rolemodel in that sense, than he probably ever knew he could be.

so thats it.

28 August 2010

//first omelet attempt//fail//saturday//1017am//28aug2010//

so today was my first attempt at a real omelet.. i had the eggs beaten with milk... i had the cheese and turkey on the side waiting... i had the pan greased up... the video should explain the rest...

27 August 2010

//stalking//random thought//519pm//friday//27aug2010//

I wonder if Mark Zuckerberg knew 7 years ago that he was launching the #1 greatest invention for stalkers worldwide... I wonder what his thoughts were the day he found out...

Mark : (on phone) "what they wou.. no thats absur... well i mean i can see... oh..."

I wonder what life was like for stalkers the day caller ID was invented..

(ring ring)(ring ring)

Woman : "Hello?"
Stalker : (deep breathing)
Woman : (panicked) "Um, Hello?!? Im gonna call the cops.."
Stalker : (deep breathing, raspy voice) "whats your favorite scary movie... hang up and ill kill you"
Woman : "Jim, is that you?!"
Stalker : "um.. er.. no"
Woman : "Jim, i can see your name on my phone...  and i can see you next door rubbing cocoa butter on your belly button..  gross jim.."
(hang up)
Stalker : (sigh) "dang..."

this is new//but not to you..

so i decided to do what your used to, and write a blog for myself.. its just gonna be thoughts or funny stories i have along the way in my life. and the occasional joke i may think of. i feel i have a fairly interesting life at times, hopefully you will think so too. so i am gonna go through and write a bunch of stuff, please read, every post might be insightful to you, but probably not. or will it.